Oriental Rug Cleaning Dallas

Oriental Rug Cleaning Services in Dallas (Texas)

In Dallas, We offered Pakistani rugs cleaning as well as Indian Rugs Cleaning services for various rugs and carpets like Pakistani Rugs, Indian Rugs, Chinese Rugs, Persian Carpets. Pakistani Rug and Indian Rug is an investment. That is why value must be maintained by proper cleaning and maintenance. The high quality, colorful textures, and intricate designs of handmade Pakistani rugs make them extremely popular.  These rugs have various factors that dictate how they are cleaned. Each rug is handled individually and we adapt our advanced cleaning process to each rug.

Most are wool and take about 3000 hours of weaving to complete. Bokhara carpets are the most popular. They are made of cotton and wool. On the other hand, Chinese Rugs are generally made up of silk fibers and are extremely soft. Silk fibers need more care as compare to traditional wool fibers.

Preventative Maintenance

The best way to keep handmade Pakistani or Indian rugs clean is to prevent stains and dirt from occurring. Handmade rugs should be cleaned only when necessary. Those who own a Pakistani rug do not want it to be harmed by the inevitable spread. Nobody likes messy rugs. Professional rug cleaners can help remove stains and make the rug look new.

Why choose a Professional Cleaner?

When Chinese Rugs cleaning is necessary, professionals take care to maintain the integrity of the Chinese rug during the cleaning process. Traditional home remedies often do not work to remove stains from Pakistani rugs, Chinese Rugs, Persian Carpets or Indian Rugs.  

Only skilled and experienced professionals can analyze the rugs correctly and determine the proper cleaning process. Special materials are used to protect these rugs from harm. Main process of Persian Rugs cleaning includes inspecting the stains, vacuuming the dried dust particles, using an extensive and delicate washing method. Special equipment is used to gradually eliminate excess water until no more force is applied. 

Our Process of Pakistani Rugs Cleaning and Chinese Rugs Cleaning

  • After inspection and determination, rugs go through a dry dusting
  • All rugs are soaked for the required set time and a comprehensive brushing including fringe is given.
  • Flat drying is used to reduce the risk of shrinking, curling, or compromising the size of the rug.
  • Rug is brushed and vacuumed.

There is more investment in rugs than functional household items, always let professionals clean these rugs.

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